60 to 20 to 60 in 1 second

Gestart door Barry_C70, 20-11-2006 13:43:47

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So today I was driving home from class and suddenly my speedometer drops from 60 to 20 in like 1/2 a second and then straight back up to 60 again, I would have missed it if I wasn't looking down for that brief moment.

I'm guessing it might be because of how wet the roads are so maybe there was some wheels speed instantly corrected by TRACS, but I would have thought that with wheels spin, the speedometer would register a HIGHER speed? but isn't speed measured from the rear wheels?

I didn't feel any change in speed or momentum at all either, ideas? Is this a telltale sign of something bad? I haven't had my ABS module fixed yet either if that's an issue.


Kan een relais zijn. Even alle relais aandrukken kan helpen.

M a r c

Of een "glitch' in je ABS controller. Als je de ABS-unit namelijk demonteert valt je snelheidsmeter ook uit.
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