Volvo Embleem past niet?

Gestart door Barry_C70, 30-11-2007 13:40:09

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I did a search a while back and found the part number for the new style blue Volvo emblem that fits into the front slash of our cars, just picked it up today and it doesn't fit! its about 2mm too high and wide to fit into the slash! Its not even possble forcing it unless you sand it down Part I ordered was #30882392

Did these get bigger or something?? Did I miss something?

It was one of these:


*-_-*Origineel is niet erg origineel*-_-*


I shouldnt have to modify anything right?


Ik ben er net een aan het plakken..

Bij mij past het gewoon prima..

Doe jij het wel goed ?
Citaat van: ClaudiaMisha snapt het. :azn:
Citaat van: Marc O. op 16-08-2013 20:42:45Ja, zie je wel, Misha snapt het


Your slash looks different, mine is from an XC grill and the black inserts are thinner


Citaat van: Barry_C70 op 30-11-2007 14:59:50
Your slash looks different, mine is from an XC grill and the black inserts are thinner

Ah.. so you bought rubbish then.. :evil:

Citaat van: ClaudiaMisha snapt het. :azn:
Citaat van: Marc O. op 16-08-2013 20:42:45Ja, zie je wel, Misha snapt het


Citaat van: Misha op 30-11-2007 15:36:45
Citaat van: Barry_C70 op 30-11-2007 14:59:50
Your slash looks different, mine is from an XC grill and the black inserts are thinner

Ah.. so you bought rubbish then.. :evil:

its an OEM slash from an OEM XC70 grill...

so no it is not. It is, in fact, overpriced rubbish!


Citaat van: Barry_C70 op 30-11-2007 17:16:27
Citaat van: Misha op 30-11-2007 15:36:45
Citaat van: Barry_C70 op 30-11-2007 14:59:50
Your slash looks different, mine is from an XC grill and the black inserts are thinner

Ah.. so you bought rubbish then.. :evil:

its an OEM slash from an OEM XC70 grill...

so no it is not. It is, in fact, overpriced rubbish!
;D  ;D
You know humour. !

Like Beavis Butthead said   :

It's like you need to have stuff that sucks, to have stuff that is cool.
Like, if everything was cool all the time, and nothing sucked..... how would you know it was cool  ?

(Butthead slaps beavis in the face..)
"AH ! Cut it out, Buttmunch  ! That is no cool, that sucks !"
"yeah, but when it's over... doesn't it feel kind of cool"
"Oh yeah.. Do it again.."

Citaat van: ClaudiaMisha snapt het. :azn:
Citaat van: Marc O. op 16-08-2013 20:42:45Ja, zie je wel, Misha snapt het



"huhhhuhhuhuh, boner, huhhuuhhuhuhuh"

Anywho, so back on track, my new emblem doensn't fit in the slash, means I'll have to make a new one probably :P


Citaat van: Barry_C70 op 30-11-2007 13:40:09
I did a search a while back and found the part number for the new style blue Volvo emblem that fits into the front slash of our cars, just picked it up today and it doesn't fit! its about 2mm too high and wide to fit into the slash! Its not even possble forcing it unless you sand it down Part I ordered was #30882392

Ik heb er aan elke kant gewoon 1 mm afgeslepen en daarna weer hoogglans gepolijst. De plakband laag aan de achterkant is ook erg dik; die heb ik eraf gehaald (geen scherpe voorwerpen gebruiken !). Het pasgemaakte logo hem ik met een heel dun laagje PU-kit in het nieuwe diagonaal geplakt. Het gaat wel om een 850 diagonaaltje...



euhm, ik ken dit fenomeen, ik heb mijn oude slash genomen en het volvo embleem eruit geprutst en dan vervolgens met donkere silicone de nieuwe erin geplakt.