Groeten uit over de vijver

Gestart door Korrupt, 20-03-2012 06:57:29

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0 leden en 1 gast bekijken dit topic.



I'm still trying to figure your blog section out, actually.  Sounds like a logical thing to do.  Or... I could start something there if you wouldn't mind showing me where to post properly.  I could answer any questions one might have about the swaps I've done. 

Also... I have some questions for a variety of things I've looked at on this forum.  Where would be the best place to post my group of questions? 


I think in your blog-to-be would be a good option ;)

But if you have any questions concerning the blog section, just ask!
EX: 1995 Volvo 854 2.5 10V LPG

Eindstand (07-03-2013): 650.000

Nu: '04 VW Polo 1.4 Aut.


I should start one... so I can post things like this, yes? 



Citaat van: Korrupt op 20-03-2012 14:30:43
Proudly, I'm not your stereotypical american, and hope you don't hold my country's blunders of the last 50 years against me.

Made me laugh ;D

Dammit man, you stole my M66 idea :P
I'm planning to do the same thing, I know that it fits without a problem, but I only need to find the right pieces (gear lever, cables, etc). Did you use them all from that V50?

Greets from Belgium!
Some people get all the Breaks, Volvo's got just what it takes.


Yes, you should start a blog!! ;D