Koppeling versleten of toch iets anders?

Gestart door koen.s, 11-01-2013 19:44:35

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ook dual mass , iemand vertelde mij vorige week dat je de dual mass altijd af moet stellen als er een nieuwe koppeling op gemonteerd wordt!(dit hoorde ik ergens)
er zit 1 of andere plastic ring in met vertanding er op)


The clutch cover has a self adjusting feature that is a separate thing from the hydraulic self adjust. Normal clutch cover loses its diaphragm spring pressure as disc thins from wear and the clamp force on disc goes down. The SA cover has a plastic ring with notched ramps and 3 small coil springs that push the ramp ring whenever the opportunity allows. WHen the disc wears the fingers on diaphragm spring will overtravel a bit and the ramp ring is free to move an increment and when the clutch is released the diaphragm springs rest position is reset closer to the flywheel face. This puts the spring back in the load range of new cover with new disc.
